Linggo, Mayo 8, 2011

Intel Core: Chip Innovation at Intel


 Over the years we have witnessed extreme changes in the computer industry. It used to take a computer the size of a large room to just do the stuff a calculator can do today. Gone are the days of using suction tubes and several tons worth of parts to compute things. Intel has been apart of that change for many years. Everywhere you look you will see Intel’s CPU’s in computers. Intel is constantly coming up with new technology to make computing faster and more efficient.
Intel Core is a brand name used for various mid-range to high-end consumer and business microprocessors made by Intel.
In general, processors sold as Core are more powerful variants of the same processors marketed as entry-level Celeron and Pentium. Similarly, identical or more capable versions of Core processors are also sold as Xeon processors for the server market. (
I have watched the computer industry change over the years. I am continually amazed at what all the computer can do and how far they have come in just the last few years. I wonder what will come next after the amazing Core i7 CPU from Intel. Let’s just wait and see!.

1 komento:

  1. Processor Performance and number of core like i3 7100 comes with 2 core and 4 threads and core i5 7600k comes with 4 core and 4 threads. and newer version of intel i3 and i5 processors comes with more numbers of core and threads. the both processors comes with different performance marks. if you are using i5 the work fast as i3 processors that is the main different.

    The i3 processor sports a dual-core setup, whereas the i5 and i7 quad-cores. The numbers mean there processing speeds, and by processing speed I mean clock speeds. i7 has higher clock than i5 and so does i5 than i3. But from the 6th generation onwards intel developed hyper-threading technology which helps the two core, two threads containing i3 processor enable a single core to serve multiple threads. This puts the 6th generation processor on par with i5 processors of the previous generation. Multiple cores equal more power and better workforce in productivity uses.
